Monday 6 June 2016

Imagine How Much You Would Have Earned By Now If You Had Started Investing 10 to 15 Years Ago… It’s Never Too Late to Start If Your Future Is Really Important to You…

The future Starts Today (Right Now)… Not Tomorrow!

 Prince Bernard O. Olatunji

 Owner of:

Dear Investor,

      Here are quick questions:

·            What is the most guaranteed way to bulletproof yourself against economic recession?
·         What do you think (in your own opinion) is the surefire solution for anyone to retire young and retire rich?
·         And what’s the ultimate key to secure your financial future starting from today?

     If your answer is “Investing”, I’m relieved. And I’m happy to tell you that you’re one of the few people in the world today who has grasped this fundamental truth.

       Investment is the mainspring and starting point of all riches. It’s the humble beginning of all wealth. It’s the seed to building a massive empire… and it’s a lazy man’s way to riches without sweat because your money simply work for you.

      To put it bluntly, investment can make the difference between life and death. It can also serve as the yardstick to measure how long you will live and how happy you will be in your old age.

      Yet, investment which is the life safer of every soul is one of the least understood and most underutilized facets of life today especially in Nigeria. Not only is this sad, it’s frightening.

      The more I think of how anyone can beat the pant off poverty and escape this rat race generation and enjoy a fulfilling old age, the more I’m convinced it boils down to one principle – Investment. So now’s the time for you to start investing.

     The rich buy assets while the poor buy liability. Assets bring you more money while liabilities take more money from your pocket. Hardly will you see a man with rich mentality spend money extravagantly. He hardly buys or wears expensive dresses, shoes, watches or uses expensive phones or go about eating lunch in expensive eateries and restaurants. He’s discipline. He’s determined. He’s focused. He drastically cut down on his day to day menu list and buys assets (investments) and focus on growing his money for the future. He denies himself the pleasure of today to acquire wealth for the future.

      A mentally poor man is an exact opposite. no matter how much he earns will never be rich.

    Investment is a big sacrifice you must make out of inconveniency if your future is really important to you and that future start right now… this very minute… not tomorrow.

    Retirement plan for the future should be one of your top most priorities if you are one of the few people out there who is truly concern about their future.  If this is so, then you wouldn’t want to give the excuse, like most others, that your income is so little and you can’t afford to start now.

     Investment is saving for the raining days. No matter how poor your income is, you can always afford to put aside at least 10% into some genuine investment. You remember that Bible portion that says ‘Cast your bread upon water and it shall come back to you swollen after many days’? I’m glad you do – it talking about investing.

     Money plays an important role in society and in creating wealth for the future. Some people have plenty of money, but the majority of people do not have enough of it. Making smart investment decisions early in life can pay off big time. Regardless of your current age, it is never too late to begin investing money to be able to fund your lifestyle and plan for financial hardships.

    There is no way to determine today what will happen tomorrow. As much as we don’t wish for bad eventualities but atimes they are inevitable because not everybody get so lucky. Accidents or impairments may eliminate your ability to earn money by traditional means and who knows, you or your financial dependent could be the victim tomorrow. I remembered those days back in school, a lots of brilliant students have been forced to drop out of school as a result of losing their sponsor to untimely death.

What do you think make some men in their old age… some at 50, resolve to doing jobs like security, gateman, driver, and so on? The answer is simple…


     And that’s simply because they fail to make a hay while the sun was shining – they failed to invest for the future when they could do so. Some people die miserably at old age due to bad health.

    One big challenge most elderly people face as they age is health problem. They begin to experience one or two of the common health problems synonymous with old age such as Hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, Insomnia, osteoporosis, prostatitis, prostate cancer, memory loss, vision problem, hearing problem, worries and anxiety, dementia, Parkinson, stroke and so on.

     However, the biggest problem EVER one could face at old age is not having money or enough money to take care of these life-threatening sicknesses. It could be true that some of these old-age health hazards cannot be cured but trust me, with regular checkup and excellent health care … they can be well managed and you will live to a ripe old age staying healthy all your life. You could only achieve afford this if only you are financially sound…

If You Have Enough Money to Solve or Manage a Problem…
Then You Don’t Have a Problem

So if you truly desire to live up to 100 or more and still remember where you left your car key… then start investing now. You know what that means? It means at 100, you will still be functioning well… and you could still drive with your vision and memory intact.

      I don’t know how you got here. Does it matters? What’s important is the fact that you have arrived at what is, without question the most valuable website on guide to Investing.

      Here’s why: I know you want to be rich and I know you’re probably looking for a genuine and reliable “investment program” you can safely invest into in order for you to achieve your goal. Is that right? Of course, otherwise you wouldn't be here.

     And since you found my website, I'm sure you already know that there are thousands of fraudulent "get rich quick" hyips out there. You’ve probably tried some of them. Well, are you impressed? I’m not. Not even close. I tried some in the past and had my finger severely burnt and I lost several thousands of my hard-earned money (in dollars) to those scam experts.

      I started investing early in life. I started at the age of 19 with no experience whatsoever. All I had was ‘Passion’ for success and a strong determination to be rich… because I fancy and crave for all the good things that give life comfort and meaning.

      I’m a very smart lady but incredibly lazy. I wanted to be rich but I hate hard work! I hate the idea of working for money. I hate ‘job’. I hate the idea of having to sacrifice my sleep and wake up early to cash the early morning bus so I won’t be late to work. I hate being held in traffic which virtually all workers experience on a daily routine. I hate everything about “office life” especially the idea of someone bossing me around. I don’t live my life on ‘rules’. Above all this, I hate the idea of having to wait for a whole 30 days or so before I get paid.
                                        Gossh! I can’t stand that

     I like making MONEY every day cos I love spending MONEY every day ! Making money (lots of money) and having the time (lot of time) to spend it is my hobby. This is why getting a job is a No No option for me, not even when I learned the meaning of JOB which is…

    J - Just
    O - Over
    B - Broke

So if you ever want to be broke… go get a job.
However, if you want to be rich go into business  
but if you want to be super rich… be an investor like me!

     I bet someone who works is about to criticize me right now and tagged me “Lazy Ass”. Well, you may be are but do you think I value your opinion about me. I know u are probably earning a fat salary and think you live big. But you know what - I don’t envy you. As a matter of honesty, you are a man to be pitied, not to be envied.

    Tell me, what’s the point when you work so hard, acquire an expensive apartment… yet you have no time to enjoy it because you work round the clock? You leave home 4am and won’t come back until around 9pm. Sometimes you even work on weekends.

    You work so hard to marry a beautiful woman you never had the time to enjoy. Ask your wife and she will tell you the devastating effect lonely is wrecking on her.

     Life is so short, create time to enjoy it. Don’t spend all your lifetime working. Always remember…

Your work is not your life. It is only a part of your life.
People who are obsessed with work are running away from life
and no matter how much they are making, they are still losers.

      Don’t get me wrong – working isn’t a bad idea. If one doesn’t have the seed capital required to float a business or to start investing… taking a job could be a good starting point. But the question is “how many people today are working with the mission to raise capital for business or investing?”

      If all you do is work and spend all your earnings. No matter how miserable your salary is… if you find it difficult to save or invest at least 10%, then seriously you’re beyond all hope and your being rich could only be by miracle… if you belief in one. Wisdom is profitable to direct. 

      However, do you know why most people prefer to take a job than to start a business or investment? ... They don’t want to take a risk… they want ‘job security’. But remember…

If Your Purpose In Life Is To Have Security, You Will Be a Failure. Security is the lowest form of happiness… Besides, security simply doesn’t exist.

    WHY Investing? Your money work for you or better put, you wouldn’t have to work for money all your life. And since I’m incredibly LAZY, Investing is the best option for me. Simply put…

Investing Is a Lazy Man’s Way to Riches Without Sweat

    By the time I was 21, I have made all the deadly mistakes most beginners usually make (especially when there was no mentor to guide you) and I learned from them but not until I had lost about five grands ($5000) to some wrong investment (HYIPS) and due to taking some wrong investment decisions. I began to get it right after reading an incredible book authored by Robert T Kiyosaki, a state-of-the-art masterpiece on Investing titled “Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing”. This is by far one of the most profitable books I ever read.

     You see, to understand Investing, to even understand its rudiments one must start with the right conception. While I was an amateur investor, I lost roughly $10,000. But today, because I decide to learn and figure out how it’s done… that determination and persistence is paying off big time.

     However, I must confess, it wasn’t a good experience until I stumbled on this powerful book that thoroughly schooled on all I need to know about investing. I lost several thousands of dollars to hyips before I learnt my lesson the hard way. I could still vividly remember a particular investment I did in 2005 (solid investment) that wrecked a serious havoc on me and many others. Solid Investment was one of those online HYIPS but nobody knows it until they strike. I lost $2000 to it while some big investors lost up a $100,000.    

      Probably this is why you are scared as rat. Perhaps you have lost some money too. It’s possible you have even sworn never ever to go near any investment especially if you have a father or uncle that have experienced the bitter tsunami of stock market crash.

     Well maybe not everybody has a tough skin for investing like me. However, if you ask my candid opinion, I will tell you the truth which is none of these really worth the risk of not investing at all.

       It’s not enough to bury your head in self-pity. Get your ass out among those who are miserable and are ready to remain like that. I personally lost up to N500,000 to some investment in the past when I was just starting out and yet to know the rudiments of investing.

Situations aren’t important. How you react to them is.
You have to play it where it lies

      Trust me… Investing Is The Easiest Way To Make Money Fast!

    If you love investing… if you have a heart like me that pound seriously for it but your challenge is how to identify a genuine investment program where you can safely invest into so you’ll never have to be lose ground again, then Relax!

    I'm going to SHOW you how to make tons of money safely from genuine and reliable investment if you’re ready to follow simple instructions - and just as importantly... I'm going to show you how to keep all the millions you’ll make from investment 100% to yourself without losing a kobo out of it.

    Once you learn what I have to teach you... unless you somehow lose your memory... it will be impossible for you to ever be "ordinary" again. It would be impossible for you to not know how to make tons of money - starting with virtually nothing as I did 10 short years ago
     But Why Investing?

      To start a business is tough - you need to get a lawyer, write a business plan, get some fancy papers drawn up, register with corporate affair commission, rent an office space, hire employees, apply for a small business loan, and work your sorry butt off to try and make ends meet.

     Well – SCREW THAT.

     I don't know about you but I'm lazy. That’s why I prefer Investing to anything else because it’s the only surefire lazy man’s way to riches – my money simply work for me even while I’m sleeping.

      Why Should I Be Working For MONEY When MONEY Can Work For ME!

There are two ways your money can work for you:

(1) Your money earns money. Someone pays you to use your money for a period of time. You then get your money back plus “interest.” Or, if you buy stock in a company that pays “dividends” to shareholders, the company pays you a portion of its earnings on a regular basis. Now your money is making an “income.”

(2) You buy something with your money that could increase in value. You become an owner of something that you hope increases in value over time. When you need your money back, you sell it, hoping someone else will pay you more for it.

     Today I make millions from investing. And my income is so automatic, it would make you sick.
     You see, I've made over $ 5 million under 10 years from real investments. I net over $500,000 every year. Not one investment though. I diversify my investment into several portfolios. That’s the way to secure investment – you don’t put all your eggs into one basket.

     They all require different start up seed ranging from as little as $100 to huge ones like $10,000. And of course, they offer different Interest rates (in percentage)

Tip about investing you MUST know

·         Self-esteem is everything: the first ‘Must have’ for SUCCESS is the honest-to-God, no-bullshit belief you deserve Success!

·         Cultivate a millionaire habits: all men are very much alike. It is their habits which separate them

·         Think Like a Millionaire: Wealth is the result of man’s ability to think

·         Don’t Be Afraid To Take Risk: Investors are risk takers. The greatest risk of all is not taking risk. Always remember this - Great love and great achievement involve great risk!

·         Time is the irretrievable element: the most important choices you will ever make is how you use your time. Imagine how far you would have gone if you had started Remember… every second counts!

·         You can be good at making excuses… or… you can be good at producing results. You cannot be good at both. Only you can decide.

·         Cut all ties with negative minded people. This includes relatives and close friends – You simply cannot afford to have them in your life. Associate with positive minded people

·         Cut all ties with extravagant life styles

·         Get Yourself a mentor: you will see farther when you stand on a giant’s shoulder. Go under his wing, become one of his protégés and let him school you

·         Stay Focused and Determined: An alert, focused, razor-sharp mind can slide through any challenge

·         The formula for investment success is simple: do not invest more than you can afford to lose

·         The best way to get started is to get started

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